Day One On The Job

Yesterday was my first day working at Hudson. It’s in a lofty show room located in the center of the garment district. Great location considering how close to home I am. The entryway is framed in gold-painted moldings and heavy glass double doors. There are two elevators that have mahogany walls and red marble floors. To my surprise, the female designers were all dressed fairly casual. All of the men had shaggy long hair, hipster looking glasses, and suits buttoned all the way up. I’m confused as to how they work in such a humid city with those thick twill suits.

I had to fill out the necessary documentation that every firm requires of employees. It’s to make sure that I don’t convey any confidential information to people outside of Hudson. Also, anything I produce during the period of my employment (even things/ideas not related to work), they supposedly have rights to. I skimmed through the procedures considering that they’re usually all the same. Then I came across an unusual part: “Company network may not be used to view pornography.” Of course this section was necessary. The first thing I wanted to do, while my future/career may depend on impressing these people, was watch porn. I’m a lady, so I don’t partake in viewing such things. 😉

Streets in the garment district look dirtier than the surrounding streets. Maybe that’s because the only street I’ve really traveled on is Fifth Avenue. All of the high-fashion boutiques are spotted along Fifth Avenue. The garment district also seems almost 10 degrees hotter than everywhere else with exhaust and fans letting out onto the backstreets. Though hot and muggy outside, the insides of buildings are set at refrigeration temperature, so a blazer or sweater is a must.

Hudson is quiet, being on the 10th floor. Besides the stressed designers cursing on every other phone call with vendors, there is not much talking that goes on. It’s peaceful… until the air-conditioner comes on every half hour. The design world seems hectic. There are countless deadlines you have to meet and so many types of people you’re forced to work with. So little time SO much to do! I asked my boss what time she usually went home since she was staying after I left the office at 6:00pm last night. She replied with a smile: “I don’t go home.”

I’m currently writing from inside a crowded restaurant close by the Hudson children’s office. The food is decent, so I’m sure I’ll stop by here again. There is a constant flow of people, probably on a quick lunch break, rushing in and out. Its called “Fork & Spoon,” which is kind of ironic because it’s a Chinese/Japanese restaurant, (probably some other eses lumped in there too) in which the cashiers are handing out chopsticks, not forks or spoons.

All by myself eating my avocado and brown rice sushi… At first it felt strange to eat alone at a table set for two. After my first day, however, it became normal. In such a fast-paced environment, it’s a rare occasion that anyone has time to go home/go out to lunch with friends during the workday. I like having some time to myself and I’m okay with being alone. Not a care in the world except ME as I witness the sea of people hurried about the busy streets of New York City.


Alena Horowitz

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